2008年11月3日 星期一

Sherry shows up - Lesson two


A: My father bought a new bicycle as my birthday present.
A: I'm really thankful for my father, because riding a bike to school takes me ten minutes now, while it took thirty minutes to walk to school in the past.


廣告影響無遠弗屆,相信你一定曾看完廣告而購買該商品,事後卻發現根本不項廣告上說的那樣有效.請你以Ms. Chiu Mei-li的身分寫一瘋顧客抱怨信,告知廠商他們的減肥要一點用都沒有.第一段請說明他們的商品如何和廣告宣稱的效果不符,第二段則敘述自己服完藥所發生的副作用,第三段則說明希望他們退款等事宜,請以下列的書信格式書寫

To Whom It May Concern:
Your Weight Redux is really such a fraud. I saw the commercial on the shopping channel. It dishonestly says it will help me lose thirsty kilograms in just a month and the skin will be as white as snow. However, the truth is that!

I have used your product for five months.Instead of getting thin, I gain five pounds! Also, my face is full of pimples and itches very often. How could I have believed your false information.
I hope that you can repay my money back as soon as possible. I may take legal actions if you don't. A good company should always care about the rights of it's consumers.
Ms.Chiu Mei-li
