2008年11月11日 星期二

Sherry's note round two

1.look after=take care of
Ex:Jojo must take care of her younger brother when their parent's go out for work.
2.look forward to=expect+N/Ving
Ex:I'm looking forward to the upcoming singing contest.
3.pay attention to人
Ex:Mandy pays attention to the teacher,so she can learn well.
4.S used to+原V(過去習慣)
Ex:My uncle used to go mountain climbing every morning.
5.S be used to+Ving(現在習慣)
Ex:Ske is used to keeping a diary every day.

6.fool around(打混)
Sam usually fools around at the KTV all day.
7.人devote oneself to+N/Ving(致力於)
Ex:Mother Teresa devoted herself to helping the poor.
Ex:Linda donated two thousand dollars for charity.
9.人 be addicted to+N/Ving(沉迷於)
Ex:He was addicted to on-line games while he was in junior high school.
10.According to+N,S+V(根據)
Ex:According to the report,the celebraty has affairs with the lady.
11.Thanks to(幸虧)
Ex:Thanks to your help,finished the assignment on time.
12.Due to~,S+V(由於)
Ex:Due to the heavy rain,we postponed our hiking to last Monday.

2008年11月10日 星期一

Sherry shows up - Lesson five

I try to remember some new English words everyday. When I read newspaper, I write down the words I don't understand.Then I try to use these words in the conversation with the forwugners until I become very familiar with them.

A Job interview
Last Saturday,I went for a job intervuew at a restaurant near my home.Sitting down in the manager's office, I felt nervous.This was the first time I had tred to find work. I didn't know how to proceed.After the manager had asked me a few questions, I began to relax. She was friendly and thus I started to feel more confident. Then she continued to ask:'Have you ever worked for another restaurant?""No, I haven't."I answered."But I would like to learn how to be a good waiter in a restaurant.So, could you give me the chance?""Our restaurant is sometimes so busy that we have to work on weekends.Can you accept it?" I replied immediately,"I am ready to apply for the job,so,that's okat."
The manager opened the door and said"Thank you for coming today,I will call you when you are allowed to work for us.

2008年11月9日 星期日


How do I Handle My Stress
There are different ways for people to handle their stress.But for me,I have
many different to express my stress.The best way for me is "yell",yell very loudly,then I can relieve my stress a lot. But if I can't yell there,I will listen to music and put very loud then followed him to sing. Or if no body home,I will play piano.Open my Qinpu,to play a lot song I like.When I was played piano.Unconsciously my stress has gone.Also go hang out、go to bookstore read books、window shopping......like this is my way to handle my stress.
Have stress is not awful.The most awful thing is don't how to handle your stress.As long as you know how to handle your stress,that you won't afraid anything whatever you done.



Little did the audience know that as I stood there looking“all together, ”my hear beat wildly. Then, I decided that this must not be true at all .Of course they could hear the hammering of my heart .Dear God, what am I doing? No butterflies remained in my stomach. No, now I had elephants! The thundering herd was threatening to trample me thoroughly .Nervousness filled my veins, making me feel light-headed.


I stepped toward the microphone. Aware of all the heads bobbing in the sea before me, I began my speech. When a few phrases tumbled out quickly, the tremor in my voice was noticeable. However, a growing sense of confidence began to build as the crowd quieted down. My muscles relaxed. My breathing eased. Maybe the weeks of practicing before my bedroom mirror were paying off. “Maybe I can really do this,” I said to myself.
Then, just thirty seconds into my three-minute speech, the microphone died. Glaring at the offending instrument of my potential downfall, I wondered if it was possible to strangle an inanimate object! How could it do this to me?


Jolin與Daniel 第19屆金曲獎
